Dear Parents/ Guardians,
Welcome to our June newsletter.
June is a joyful and exciting month for everyone in our service.
With the nice weather and summer in full swing, children are more active and interested than ever and we will try to take advantage of this time by creating a lot of engaging outdoor activities.
Most importantly our preschool children and teachers are in the final stage of preparation for the biggest and most exciting day of the year – their graduation. So let’s wish them the best of luck and we hope everyone will make great memories that will last a lifetime.
Fun Fact: There is no other month in the year that begins on the same day as June.
Graduation will take place on Friday 28th June at 6:00pm in Kidsworld.
A reminder we require 4 weeks written notice when children are terminating care at Kidsworld.
On Thursday 27th June, we have Genie Mackers coming into creche to have our graduation party!!
There will be balloon making, face painting, a puppet show and course lots of dancing!!
We cannot wait to celebrate with our little graduates. Invitations will be given out by the end of the week.
Preparing for Primary School
As the school year comes to the end , we start to wonder how our child will handle the big change in their lives which comes in September. There are some important skills which we can help them to develop at home and prepare them for real-world situations at school. Here are some abilities that you can practice throughout your day at home:
- Practice independent dressing skills – encourage your child to dress/ undress their clothes, and put on and take off their shoes. Encourage your child to carry their own schoolbag.
- Practice eating independently – practice opening and closing their lunch box and water bottle. Also activities like setting up the table for family meals, pouring their own drink, and cleaning up after
- Encourage and practice toileting – teach children to use the toilet independently and wash and dry their hands. They also should be able to blow/wipe their nose
- Develop Communication Skills Play – by playing listening These help to build children’s attention skills and encourage them to follow longer instructions. These skills are very important when understanding and learning in the classroom. Examples of listening games are ‘Simon Says’ & ‘Run and Touch’.
- Help to develop ‘Self-regulation’ skills – Name your child’s feelings and talk about them -this might help your child to build coping techniques for all kinds of emotions.
- Improve fine motor skills (using little muscles in hands) – by letting them play with playdough, building blocks, or using clothes pegs. Buy child-sized scissors and practice cutting paper or playdough.
- And lastly – Try not to do any tasks that the child can complete on their own, even if it takes some time!!!!
Sports Day
This Friday 21st June we are having sports day!
There will be games such as bowling, egg and spoon race, bean bag throw and an obstacle course.
We invite all children to wear in a sports jersey if they have one at home.